zäzilia – centenary
remembrance for a forgotten woman (2021-2022)
selected for the catalogue and showcased at
photo graz 022 – BIENNALE Photo.Art STYRIA
installation view…
‘zäzilia-centenary’ – six distinct selections from the series; archival pigment on photo rag, unique prints; matting and framing in color and style resembling the building that had housed the room portrayed...
for close ups and accompanying soundscape see the moving version

© Bernd Sieber

© Kulturvermittlung Steiermark/Natascha Reiterer

© Kulturvermittlung Steiermark/Natascha Reiterer

© Kulturvermittlung Steiermark/Natascha Reiterer
moving version.
installation view – video
a true artistic intervention equals energy surgery

© Bernd Sieber

© Kulturvermittlung Steiermark/Natascha Reiterer
when there are no photographs of the people that went before,
then at times the places they built or inhabited,
still allow to grasp a sense of who they were...
buildings abandoned to decay afford a glimpse into the dysfunction
of family or enterprise; the broken open wounds informing of
the unaddressed and of failure, of neglect
– of a lack of care and a lack of love...
displayed is the sole fairly intact room of a centuries old house;
images taken shortly before tear down
– forever burying memories.
various cameras are my most cherished companions since the age of seven, as slipping into the position of observer always had special appeal to me; aside from planned assignments I delight in chance encounters, found objects and here particularly collections and sequences, as they bring forth not only the third and fourth dimension – but especially the unseen...
for work implementation, including the printing process, I do leave nothing to chance – every selection, measurement and choice of material is deliberate and informed by conceptual approach: because it is alchemy that allows for transformation to occur.
photo graz 022
September 24 – November 05, 2022
Altes Kino, Leibnitz
curatorial direction: Gerhard Gross
Taco Hidde Bakker (Amsterdam)
Klaus-Dieter Hartl (Leibnitz)
Ruth Horak (Vienna)
she was born in eighteen fifty
she was from an affluent family
she was the eldest
she had four siblings
she was proud
she had an only son
her son's father's name, first and last,
are to be found in the official record of birth
she never married
she carried forward the family name
she had wealthy friends
she had culture and taste
she owned ample property
she died aged seventy two in her house
her son's father had died fifteen years previously
at the next building down the street – overlooking her garden
her son died less than a year after her at the same
address as she – and he heads the family tombstone
she has no grave
on the occasion of the centenary of her death
(2022) lee lee moss
sie wurde achtzehnfünfzig geboren
sie war aus einer begüterten familie
sie war die älteste
sie hatte vier geschwister
sie war stolz
sie hatte einen einzigen sohn
ihres sohnes vaters namen, vor- und nach-,
finden sich im amtlichen geburtsregister
sie heiratete nie
sie führte den familien namen weiter
sie hatte wohlhabende freunde
sie hatte kultur und geschmack
sie besaß weitläufige realitäten
sie starb im alter von zweiundsiebzig jahren in ihrem haus
ihres sohnes vater war fünfzehn jahre zuvor gestorben
im nächsten gebäude die straße runter – mit blick auf ihren garten
ihr sohn starb weniger als ein jahr nach ihr an der selben
adresse wie sie – und er führt den familiengrabstein an
sie hat kein grab
zum Anlass ihres hundertsten Todestages
(2022) lee lee moss
Lee Lee Moss: concept; text*, voice, capture of birdsong in-situ
Roberto García de Mesa: music composition & sound design
*a poem in English and German editions by lee lee moss
also see the video of the installation view
Above soundscape found application in the 2024 version of the avant-garde theatre piece Poco (o alguien dirá que nos equivocamos) by Cia. Roberto García de Mesa, performed in Arrecife de Lanzarote, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristobal de La Laguna, as well as Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – originally premiered during the 2023 Festival Escenas do Cambio in Santiago de Compostela.