I create with...
:still & motion:
buildings & places
people & animals
trees & plants
vehicles & art
projects, processes, performances
•in.pursuit – The Eye for Light
I create with...
in English, Spanish, German
literary works, letters, poetry
commercial, legal, promotional
from Spanish to English and German,
English to German, German to English
in English, to afford fluency & ease
•re.write – The Power of Words
I create with...
•readings and remedies for places & people
•nutrition & hydration feedback and guidance
•magic.twelveS – A Daily Physical Regimen
•p.e.c – Personal Energy Coherence
•re.sonance – The Power of Sound
I create with...
spaces, objects, garments, jewelry, visuals
human bodies for optimal agility & wellness
•a.c.e – Anatomy Creativity Expression
•on.alchemy – The Path to Embodiment